Getting Dental Crowns: Start to Finish

Dental Crowns Coral Gables, FL

Looking for some information on dental crowns? Good for you! The more you understand about your dental options, the better your chances of having good oral health will be. When you have a tooth that is at risk, it is necessary for you to take action as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the higher the chances of losing one or more of your teeth, and this is something you definitely want to avoid. If you do lose one or more of your teeth, then you are going to need to choose a tooth replacement option like dentures or implants.

The process of getting dental crowns

Below is some information on the process of getting dental crowns from the very start to the very end. The entire process usually only takes two visits to the dental office, not counting the initial consultation appointment in which the dentist will discuss the patient's options with them. This is a very short amount of time for someone to get one or more dental crowns that will improve their oral health.

Dental appointment #1 – The patient will first be anesthetized. The dentist will then prepare the tooth by carefully shaping it so that they can take an impression to send to a special dental laboratory that will fabricate the crown. The dentist may choose to use a conventional dental impression or an optical dental impression. The dentist will then place a temporary crown over the tooth in order to protect it while the permanent crown is being made. The patient will get to choose the shade of their new crown, making sure it will blend nicely with the rest of their teeth.

Dental appointment #2 – The dentist will remove the temporary crown and replace it with the fabricated permanent crown, which will be cemented so it will always stay in its proper place. The dentist will make sure that the fit and appearance of the new dental crown are exactly as they should be so that the patient will not experience any problems.

Single visits to the dental office are an option for dentists who have on-site equipment that can make a dental crown right then and there, making this a great option for those who are busy and therefore find it hard to make time to get to the dental office.

Can we answer your dental crown questions?

Our professional team would love to answer any questions you have about dental crowns! A dental crown can save one or more of your teeth when they are in jeopardy, which is why they are commonly used. If one or more of your teeth are currently weak, please do not let them get worse. If they do get worse, then it is likely that you will lose one or more of them. In order to save your teeth, your first step is making an initial consultation appointment. We hope to hear from you soon!

Request an appointment here: or call Gables Exceptional Dentistry at (305) 203-4132 for an appointment in our Coral Gables office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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