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Invisalign®Coral Gables, FL

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What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a teeth-straightening system that uses a certain number of invisible aligners to straighten someone’s teeth, which is dependent on their particular teeth-straightening needs. Because each and every aligner is specifically made for individual patients, using advanced computer technologies, patients can expect to receive the most optimal results. The aligners will slowly and gently move the teeth into their correct position, which is done over a short period of time, especially when compared to wearing traditional braces.

Since Invisalign aligners can be removed, they are an extremely convenient teeth-straightening option! Unlike traditional braces that cannot be removed until the teeth are finished straightening, Invisalign wearers can remove their aligners for a few hours every day. The exact amount of time is dependent on their particular situation, and they can expect their dental professional to let them know how long they can leave the aligners out of their mouth. The ability to remove the aligners makes doing everyday things like eating and brushing one’s teeth a much easier process.

The overall convenience this teeth-straightening option can offer is one that many people are looking further into when wanting straighter teeth, especially those who tend to be very busy.

What can Invisalign do for a crooked smile?

Invisalign aligners can help both teenagers and adults straighten out their crooked smiles once and for all. The most common reason someone would have a crooked smile is simply because they have crooked teeth. Additional common reasons include being diagnosed with an underbite or an overbite.

Got crooked teeth? Invisalign aligners are a great choice for those whose teeth are considered to be minimally to moderately crooked.

Got an underbite? It is definitely possible for Invisalign aligners to fix a minor underbite that is caused by having crooked teeth (vs. jaw problems).

Got an overbite? It is definitely possible for someone with an overbite caused by having crooked teeth to correct it by using Invisalign aligners.

Invisalign Pros

There are many pros to choosing Invisalign when wanting straighter teeth.

Pro #1 — The aligners are specifically made for each individual patient, which allows for a more personalized teeth straightening treatment option when compared to generic aligner options. The fact that Invisalign aligners are specifically shaped for each individual wearer allows for the most comfort possible and a pleasant appearance.

Pro #2 — The aligners are nearly invisible, making them a great choice for those who would rather be a little more discreet when getting their teeth straightened.

Pro #3 — The aligners are removable for at least a couple hours a day, making it much easier to perform everyday habits like eating, drinking, brushing and flossing. This removable option supports good dental hygiene, since brushing and flossing the teeth is much easier to do.

Pro #4 — The aligners are smooth, which means there are no brackets or wires to irritate the inside of the mouth.

Cons to choosing traditional metal braces:

Con #1 — Traditional braces do not offer wearers the most pleasant appearance due to all the metal wires and brackets, which can make wearers feel self-conscious about the way they look when they talk or smile.

Con #2 — Traditional braces can be difficult to keep clean. If those wearing traditional braces are not able to remove all the food particles in their mouth by brushing and flossing around the wires and brackets, it can lead to tooth decay.

Con #3 — Wearing traditional metal braces means not being able to eat certain foods or drink certain drinks. While this may not be an issue for some wearers, it might be for others.

What to expect after getting Invisalign

After someone gets their Invisalign aligners, it is essential that they closely follow all given instructions, as this will allow for the most successful outcome. This includes taking proper care of the Invisalign aligners, of which there are a few options available. Most wearers will experience some degree of soreness during the first few weeks or so as the aligners begin to do their job, which is completely to be expected.

The overall length of treatment time it will take simply depends on each individual wearer's needs. Regular dental appointments will need to be made in order to be sure that the Invisalign treatment plan is going as expected, with every four or five weeks being the norm. While most wearers will see an improvement in just a couple of months or so, the overall treatment time will range somewhere between 12 and 18 months.

Invisalign do’s and do nots

Invisalign do — Do always rinse the aligner before placing back into the mouth.

Invisalign do — Do soak the aligners on a regular basis, as this is necessary to fully clean them.

Invisalign do — Do clean them gently in order to avoid scratching them.

Invisalign do — Do use a clear cleaning solution or a mild antibacterial soap that does not include any scents or colors.

Invisalign do — Do follow all instructions carefully!

Invisalign do — Do store the aligners in their case when they are not being worn.

Invisalign do not — Do not eat or drink anything that can stain the aligners.

Invisalign do not — Do not use a toothpaste on aligners.

Invisalign do not — Do not eat, drink or chew gum when wearing the aligners.

How to take care of Invisalign aligners

It is important to properly take care of Invisalign aligners, as this allows them to do the job they are supposed to do without experiencing any type of problems. Basic care instructions for the aligners include rinsing them often throughout the day in order to prevent a buildup of the bacteria that can cause plaque. The aligners should be cleaned at the same time one brushes their teeth, so both teeth and aligners are fresh and clean.

Are you considering getting Invisalign aligners in the Coral Gables area? Get more Invisalign information at